Chinese Red Cow Peas

In Bahia Grass

Tarver Sales · Folsom, LA 70437 · 800-848-9303

grazing cattle preferred hays barley over rye grass

Rye grass, right side                   

Hays barley had more growth than rye grass as seen.

The cattle were allowed this first grazing on January 6, 2006—50 days after planting.

On Friday, January 6, 2006—50 days from planting—the morning temperature was 24°. The cattle started the first grazing of the season at 10:00 a.m., as soon as the frost melted. Both the Hays barley and rye grass tolerated the freeze and the grazing quite well.

The cattle—having free choice of the Hays barley or rye grass planted in the same field—seemed to have a slight preference for the Hays barley.

Grazing was completed January 9th.


HORSES FOUGHT OVER Green-cut Hays barley.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Southeast Louisiana became very dry. The normal planting of rye grass (late September, early October) was delayed considerably.

Hays barley plots were planted in living Bahia grass sod on November 16, 2005, and November 17, 2005. On the same days, rye grass was planted adjacent to the Hays barley in the same field for comparison. The soil was hard-packed and dry. In spite of low moisture, the Hays barley and rye grass grew amazingly well in the mini seed beds.

It helped that the soil was not “aired” out during creation of the Plant-O-Vator’s seed bed.

 Hays barley, left side